Sunday, April 27, 2008

Something interesting happened...

... when I went to see my folks.

So my stepfather had a heart attack last week and then a triple bypass. He is doing great. It is as if he has a new lease on life. Yay, Joe! Dakota and I went to Oregon to see him and support my mom while this was all going on. We stayed in this great little guest house across the street from the hospital that is there for families to stay in and be close to their loved ones who may be in the hospital for a while. Great idea, no?

Well, we met some of the staff and I found out that one of the staff, Marcella, is from Albania. "Wow! I am going to Serbia this summer." Her face did not change expression but her words were clear. "Are you going to travel outside of Serbia?" I told Marcella that the political situation in Serbia and Kosovo was not my battle. She told me, in a nice way, to be sure and keep my opinion to myself when I was there.

I then said that no matter what has happened in the past everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. Certainly I would not want anyone judging me for what my politicians have done and I have no real idea of what has happened in Serbia and Kosovo. Also, Marcella's opinion reminded me of how easy it is to generalize. We had a great conversation and it got me thinking about what I should next talk about here on my blog.

Next time:

Sex Trafficking Project Safety and Politics

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gena said...

for the love of god, heather, don't talk. ; ) just kidding. (sort of). gena

Heather said...

I know, right?!?

Thanks for the comments. :)