Monday, May 19, 2008

Slava! The Feast!

So I returned to St Sava this weekend as I was invited to join the church's celebration of when St Sava's sacred bones were moved to the monastery Mileseva in southern Serbia after he had died from pneumonia in Trnovo, Bulgaria. St Sava was the first Archbishop of Serbia. What a great celebration! The Serbian Orthodox Church from Portland had made the drive that day to join the Seattle Church in the festivities. There was tons of delicious food, singing, dancing, and great fellowship.

Father Ilija once again announced that I was visiting and let me say a few words before he blessed the food. Many folks only spoke Serbian so I didn't reach everyone but the folks I did speak to were very warm and welcomed me back.

This time I decided to bring some articles from Serbian and Russian newspapers that talked about the trafficking in Serbia. I also brought more information about NGO Atina so folks could see that the work is with Serbians specifically and not just a bunch of foreigners with their own agenda of demonizing the Serbs once again. Very sensitive topic.

One man that had definite concerns about how I worded where the trafficking was happening (Kosovo vs. Serbia) read over the articles and said, "Hmm, this is new to me." I could see that he was definitely saddened to learn about the reality of it happening in Serbia. He also stated that the ones who have done this who are in prison should pray to never be let out because if they are, they will be killed. He spoke about the loss of morality, the loss of Serbian land, and the loss of law. He told me that his niece just returned from Belgrade and that he would have her email me. Another Serbian contact made! He wished me well on my trip.

Made some new connections, (Hello Mile, Slavica, Michael (An FBI Agent who worked in Belgrade on an anti-trafficking task force!), and Dawn) and reconnected with others, (Hello Milan, Georgina, Gordana, and Vjera). Ate a great Serbian lunch and topped it off with some yummy cake and the baklava that I brought. YUM!!

At the end of the festivities, 4 hours later, we bid each other adieu and I told them that I would see them again in September when I return. I plan on returning to St Sava with a slide show of my trip.

It was nice to make the connection with this community before I go. I hope the connection will last and I can keep in contact with them ongoing.

Thank you Father Ilija and St Sava Orthodox.

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