Saturday, April 19, 2008

Funding the Sex Trafficking Project

Funding. Hmmmm. There is the word "fun" in funding... but not in "applying."

Yes, I have applied for funding. Lots of applications. I actually got surprised looks and many compliments from grant funding folks when I told them how many I have applied for. I am definitely doing everything in my power to get this project funded.

I am always on the lookout for more funding opportunities and have signed up on FastWeb, Community of Science, Grant $elect and a few others. If anyone reading this knows of other funding venues...

The search for funding is time consuming, especially since I am a full-time graduate student who also work part-time as a budget and research coordinator at the medical center. This is not the part where I start to complain but rather I am acknowledging the difficulty in this process.

So, why do the project? Now for my first list!

  1. Women being trafficked for sex need support! "There but for the grace of god go I" is something I think about a lot and I would hope that if I had been trafficked for sex that people would want to support me and champion my story.
  2. This project is the beginning of my career working with victims of trafficking in eastern and central European countries. This experience will help to build relationships and enable my return to the area, work on preventive measures and hopefully reduce the sex trade in some way.
  3. This project fulfills my program requirements. In the MPH program, I am required to do a practicum and a thesis. Since I am also getting a certificate in Global Health, I am required to do what is called a "capstone" project, which is essentially an international practicum. This project will enable me to complete my practicum, capstone, and data collection for my thesis. I will be very busy and it will not be a holiday, even though Belgrade is beautiful, and I can get three program requirements fulfilled at the same time.
That being said, I am hoping to continue to receive support from my friends, family, and colleagues. The project will be funded and accomplished regardless of whether I receive funding from a grant source, private supporters, or my own credit card. Hopefully, it won't be the latter! :)

Next time:

Why Sex Trafficking in Serbia?

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