Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Where do my support dollars go?

This project has a number of items to be supported. Each total is for the full 3 months of the project. Total project is estimated to be $8,250.

1. Health Insurance: $1,332 (This is required)
2. Travel Insurance: $246 (In case of all types of calamity)
3. Airfare: $1,623 (Thank God I paid in advance!)
4. Transportation: $150 (Public transportation)
5. Housing: $1,500 (This is only about 225 euro a month!)
6. Food: $900 (This is an estimate for groceries)
7. Phone: $180
8. Internet: $150
9. Translator: $555 (To assist in interviews and consent form translation)
10. Language Course: $945 (Four-weeks, 3 hrs/day, 5 days/ week)
11. Supplies: $225 (documents, copies, locked confidential filing, etc.)
12. Subject Stipend: $444 (This is to reimburse women for their time talking with me for my research)

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