Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Arianna Huffington + Planned Parenthood = Big Fun(d$?)

So yesterday was the Planned Parenthood Votes Washington (PPVW) fund raiser at Bell Harbor downtown. My friend McKenna Hartman, , local fundraiser extraordinaire/genius put on the fabulous affair (the luncheon was a smash hit!) to help raise funds so that they can identify, educate and mobilize reproductive health policy advocates in the state of Washington. Pretty cool group.

The keynote speaker was none other than Arianna Huffington of the famed online news source The Huffington Post! Arianna is an author and nationally syndicated columnist. Huffington describes herself as a "former right-winger who has evolved into a compassionate and progressive populist." She is a fantastic speaker and made some necessary points of being sure to get in your vote and make your voice heard in regard to this administration, the new administration, and your reproductive rights. Double check your backbone!

Anyhow, I was volunteering at the fund raiser and got a chance to speak with Arianna after the luncheon. Very cool lady (pretty attractive too) and she took my flyer and new business card and asked me if I would write a piece to post on The Huffington Post!!!! Holy Cow! I said, "You bet!" Now I need to write something amazing. That will be this weekend I think. Have a few papers to write.

McKenna hooked me up with her mentor, Cathy Allen, who is the President/Owner of the Connections Group here in Seattle. Ms. Allen works "to help communities, governments, non-profit associations and women’s groups better communicate to the press, the public and politicians." We chatted for a short time (she is super busy) about my project and its need for support. Ms. Allen said she would not be able to donate to my project due to the fact that she is working/funding the primaries/political world right now but that she would be happy to spread the word about my project to hopefully get support. Thank you, Ms. Allen!!

After the luncheon there was a VIP gathering at the Alexis Hotel. Arianna showed up to chat with the big donors and chat a bit about PPVW and her new book, "Right is Wrong". I told her I had already emailed her with a deeper description of my project. I work fast! She thanked me for my work.

The PPVW crew was there and took some pics with Arianna while folks mingled, snacked, drank, and chatted. I met a family law attorney and a couple of Women's Studies PhD students from the UW too. I passed out the fliers and business cards I brought to as many people who would take them. I met a great couple there as well and the wife had tons of great questions about my project and what the problem was exactly. We talked for about 15-20 minutes and at the end she asked if I took checks, cash, or credit cards. I said "YES". Lastly, she reminded me that even though I am one person I can make a big difference in one or many lives with the work I am setting out to do. Fund raising can create peaks and valleys for me because I am so connected with my project. It means the world to me and is the beginning of the rest of my life. This is my career in the making. It is always nice to talk with people who see the importance of the work.

No donations last night but hopefully some seeds were planted and my labor will produce fruit.

All in all a good day. This is a great and weird experience for me. Only $6,610 left to go!

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