Monday, May 5, 2008

Funding update

Sorry I have not written in a few days. Life has been busy.

So I have a new update on my funding applications. My application for the Leslianne Shedd award was declined. :( Not sure why. They are very close lipped about why applications are funded or denied. One professor asked if I thought it had to do with the topic. I hope not but you never can tell. I have 2 more applications for funding that will be determined in the middle of this month. They won't cover all my project expenses but they will certainly help. Trying to keep a stiff upper lip and a positive outlook.

On the good news front, my mother-in-law-to-be, Patricia, sent out an amazing email to friends and family requesting community support for my project. YAY Patricia!! The assistance is greatly appreciated.

Which reminds me... News Flash! Ricky Martin is taking up the human trafficking cause! Never thought I would be writing a letter to Ricky Martin but here I go. Patricia has recommended that I contact Ricky, Oprah (Angel Network), and any other support group that assists women who have been sexually traumatized. Thinking outside of the box is the plan.

Also, I have made contact with a local Serbian Orthodox church in Issaquah, named St. Sava. Father Ilija has been very kind and has offered to introduce me to the congregation on Sunday, May 11th and to talk to his parishioners about my project and how they could support me in my efforts. I will keep you all posted about this blossoming relationship.

Meanwhile, the project is coming along soon. I leave on June 17th. Not sure if I will be staying for 3 full months or if it will be 2.5 months. That will be determined by how much funding I receive. Either way, I will continue to blog while I am there so you can see pictures of where I am staying and some of the people I am working with.

Thanks again for reading and thanks for your support!

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