Hey everyone. So what has happened since i have been here? Well, lots actually.
My first week was a bit rough. Sick, not sleeping right, hot, covered in mosquito bites, etc. It was awful. Seriously. I was thinking "What have I done? Why am I here? I want to go home!" blah, blah, blah. It was like Viet Nam without the Pho. I prayed for death. (Oh the drama!)
Fortunately, the heatwave broke and we got some rain and thunderstorms. YAY! I finally started to get some sleep and my nausea went away. Started taking folic acid to keep the mosquitoes at bay and it was working. Blood suckers hate the way folic acid makes your skin smell I guess.
Anyhow, started working at NGO Atina. Hmmmm, "work". Well, it is not always what you expect. The American style of work is a little different from the Serb style of work. Now, dont get me wrong. NGO Atina and the staff get A LOT of work done for the beneficiaries and their needs are well taken care of in many ways. Also, it is not as if I am saying Serbs don't work hard. They do but just not in the same manner as I have come to expect at work. There is definitely more smoking, drinking coffee, talking, etc. It is about building relationships. I mean I cannot just kick down the door and start telling beneficiaries how to be "better human beings", right? I have to get to know the beneficiaries a bit more, talk with the staff psychologist about what needs are not yet being met and THEN I can really start to craft an intervention that will be helpful. It is a process.
So there are a number of workshops that the beneficiaries participate in such as group therapy, individual therapy, psycho-drama (not what happens when your ex sees you at a club with a new partner), job skills, case management (like social work) and things like jewelry making. That was the first workshop that I was able to attend. The jewelry is AWESOME! They are really making good stuff. I took some pics for you all to see. There is a website that I will link to this blog so you all can see their jewelry. The project is specifically for women who have been victimized. It is a great idea and the women are super talented. The proceeds from the jewelry sales go to the women for their support. Great idea, no?
So I am currently taking Serbian at the International Language Academy here in Belgrade. The classes are pretty cool. Good group of students, one American woman, one American guy, One Indian guy, one Israeli woman, one German guy, and two Zambian children (their father is Serb). Good group and they are fun to work with... all except for that one. :{ Why is there ALWAYS that one guy? (This is like Fur Lady, Chelle... grrrrr) Well at least if I can identify that one person in the group then I know its not me. Right? Hee, right? Oh crap.
Well must study for class. My schedule has be come a bit more regular. Class every day in the morning until 12:30pm and then work until 5:30pm and then possibly Pilates class, walking around Belgrade, drinking caffe, etc. Really loving Belgrade now. Funny to think that so many people have been worried about me here. You would really laugh hard to see how not dangerous it is here. Seriously people. I know I am working within a dangerous topic but I am not rescuing women. The work is great and NOT DANGEROUS. The crime rate in Belgrade is also very low. It is like living in Prague/Athens. The people are amazing and warm and happy to see that an American is living in their fair city.
Okay, I am overdoing it now. But hopefully you all get my drift. Belgrade is beautiful, Serbs are awesome, and just like some people we all know, aka Americans, they don't want to be blamed for decisions their politicians have made.
Will chat more soon so Cheers to you all! Please email me!!
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hello heather,
i came across your blogs and i couldn't stop reading, that is why my eyes are sore :)
i'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for your kind words about serbia, it is very rear as people think our people are criminals.
i'm off to university/college now and i'm not sure what to do in relation to future career opportunities.
by reading your blogs i'd like to ask questions about your career. my eye's are in pain so i might have skimmed over some things that you have mentioned and that i'm about to ask you now. i'd like to do something international because i really want to travel, i've always wanted to go back to serbia but i didn't know about the job opportunities there as well as the economy(yes i know we're in debt). may i ask about your remuneration? is it adequate to the day-to-day expenses in serbia and do you have enough left over to travel around europe?
thank you for supplying such an interesting blog.
it has inspired me to return to my homeland, i read it and i thought to myself: "if a non-serbian person wants to and can go there, what's stoping me?!"
all the best on your travels :)
kind reguards
Dear Svetlana
Can you send me your email so I can respond to you directly? Email me at ragdoll24@hotmail.com. Thanks for your amazing comments!
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